Advisory Board

Support of a dedicated and knowledgeable Advisory Board that will actively contribute to our scientific endeavour.

Comprised of leading experts in oncology, tissue engineering, and biomedical computational science,
the Advisory Board members bring a wealth of specialized knowledge and daily experience to PREDICTOS’ discussions.

He graduated in Biology at the University of Bologna in 1988 where he developed an interest in oncology. He worked as a research fellow in the Pediatric Oncology Laboratory at Gaslini Hospital in Genova, Italy from 1990 to 1992. His research was focused on the identification of new molecular targets for therapeutic approaches for Neuroblastoma.

From 1992 to 1997 he moved to the United States where he worked as post-doctoral visiting fellow in the Cellular and Molecular Biology section of the Pediatric Branch of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. The focus of his research was on the identification of the role of the activation of Trk receptors in Neuroblastoma cells. In 1997 he joined the Laboratory of Oncology of the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute where he investigated new therapeutic approaches for osteosarcoma. From 1999 his interests were not limited to the treatment of tumors, but also for the development of innovative therapeutic approaches for the reconstruction of bone tissue in osteosarcoma patients after the resection of the tumor with mesemchymal stem cells. The laboratory has developed several cell-based therapeutic products for the reconstruction of the bone that have been tested in preclinical and clinical trials. Recently, he took advantage of his experience in oncology and tissue engineering to develop in vitro and ex vivo 3D model of osteosarcoma. These models are applied to investigate the efficacy of innovative therapeutic agents, such as nanoparticles and photo dynamic therapy. In November 2017, Enrico Lucarelli was appointed Assistant Affiliate Member of the Houston Methodist Research Institute thanks to a collaboration with the Department of Nanomedicine. Currently he is the head of the Regenerative Therapies in Oncology Unit. He is the author of 97 publications in peer-reviewed journals, with an H-index of 32 (source: SCOPUS).

She is FWO senior postdoctoral research fellow at KU Leuven, Belgium, Department of Development and Regeneration, Skeletal Biology and Engineering.

Claire’s main research focuses on the interactions between cancerous metastases and bone intrinsic remodelling processes, with a particular interest in the influence of mechanical loading.  Her work relies on a dual in-silico / in-vitro approach, harnessing the synergy between mechanistic computational modelling and experimental tissue engineering.

After her undergraduate and MSc degrees in Maths and Physics in France (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne), Claire specialised in numerical methods for biomedical engineering through a master degree in the UK (Imperial College London). She conducted her PhD studies at Imperial College London on ‘Structural Meso and Microscale Finite-Element-Based Methods for the Prediction of Bone Architecture and Failure’ (2012-2016). In 2018, after a postdoctoral project on optimisation of bone tissue engineering scaffolds, Claire joined Oxford-based CRO Physiomics, specialised in computational modelling of cancer therapies for Pharma and Biotech R&D. In 2022, she was awarded an FWO senior post-doctoral fellowship to join Prof. Liesbet Geris’ team in KU Leuven and investigate the therapeutic potential of mechanical loading on bone metastases. 

Her research interests are Mechanobiology, Bone remodelling, Biomechanics, Cancer treatments (primary and metastases), In-silico modelling (agent-based, finite element), In vitro disease models.